Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bear Lake Winter Fun

Bear Lake Winter Fun! 2011
Once we all arrived at the bottom of the hill we would load up in back of the truck and Shannon would drive us back up to the top!
Scott & Rae! We were invited to go to Bear Lake with Shannon and Shawna. My parents and Aunt Barb came too. We had so much fun! The best part was sledding down the hill about 1/2 mile. It was a BLAST!
Aunt Barb! Hold on Tight!
Family & Best Friends! Barb, Raelyn, Linda, Shawna, JoAnna and Stetson

Barbara and Shawna
Shannon and Shawna. Thanks for inviting us! You are simply the Best!
Stets0n and Mom. He loves the snow.
JoAnna! the girl with no fear!
Scott - with Tucker trying to get on the sleigh too.
Me and all my Boys!
We even talked my Dad into going down. I think he had fun, but he only went once.
My Parents! Lynn & Linda
JoAnna loved riding on top of Scott's back , because they would really get going fast! But . . . they had a major crash into the side of a snow bank and they were catapulted off and the sled broke. But JoAnna was ready to get back on and go for another run!


Amy said...

Looks like So much fun!

lori said...

Looks like you had a blast!!!!! Miss you all a ton.

Lindsay said...

Rae! So good to hear from you! I'm back in business with the blogging world! ;-) I've been such a bad slacker, but this school year has been nuts! These pics are very very cute! I'm floored at how much you're kids are growing up! Miss all of you!